Double Trouble Podcast

A podcast about my twin girls, my husband and my life.

The Twins

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Location: Maryland, United States

Monday, July 17, 2006

Worst shopping trip so far!

This week we had the worst shopping trip! I'm sure there will be worse trips to come, but this one might be hard to beat. I also talk about the twins' physical stats and wonder what we're going to do when they grow out of the bouncy seats!

Download the Mp3 file.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Pregnancy and the first 5 months

This is the first episode of the Double Trouble Podcast - an audio diary of my life raising twin girls. This week I'm talking about the details of my pregnancy, delivery and the first 5 months of the twins' life.

Download the MP3 file.

(Allegra's on the left and Ramsey's on the right)

Click to see product info about the Avent Trainer bottle.